Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kids at play

We babysat Emily, Carsten, Caden, and Corbin one night. I tried to take a picture of everyone for Grammy. This is the best I could get. Cute kids!
Katelyn likes to help take the laundry out of the washer and put it in the dryer. She almost fell in here when I took this picture.
We have had many spring snow storms. I took Katelyn out to play in the snow. She made our family in snowmen. She did a great job. I only helped a little bit. We decided we liked to play in the snow in the spring because it isn't so bitterly cold.
Ryan loves to color now. He is always asking to color. He calls is "co,co" for color. This picture was taken the day after he got home from being in the hospital for RSV. He has lost weight. He is pretty skinny now. All his rolls are gone. Anyway, Ryan is doing much better now.
Katelyn and Ryan are playing with their new train set. They love it.
Ryan loves to watch Daddy play video games. Adam gives him an X Box controller and he thinks he is playing.
Katelyn is learning how to use the computer. She likes to play games on She knows how to use the mouse and the arrows on the keyboard. She follows the directions on the games and does great.
Katelyn has started to draw people the last few months. This is suppose to be me. Notice the hair and eyelashes.
Here is a picture Katelyn drew of Adam. She even drew spiky hair.

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Adam, Jennifer, Katelyn, and Ryan

Enjoy life!