Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wheeler Farm

We went to Wheeler Farm last week. Katelyn is feeding the cow some hay. She thought it was great that it would actually eat out of her hand.
She is now feeding the horse. Ryan loved the animals. He kept pointing and saying, "Wow."

Ryan up close and personal with the ducks.
Katelyn is feeding the ducks. It is always quite and experience when you feed the ducks.
Ryan and Katelyn on a saddle. "Yee Haw"
Katelyn played in the tree house.
Ryan is in a wagon. We had a great day at the farm. We went to the farm the next day with Kevin, Chelsi, and Peyton. They took some great pictures. Visit their blog to see them.

Corn Maze

We went to a corn maze and had fun wandering through it.
We had Katelyn lead the way through part of it. We had to get back on course after awhile.
Ryan and Adam lead the way through the last half of the maze.

Ryan in Trouble

Ryan is becoming very adventurous. He tries to do everything. He steps up on the stool in the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror and tries to use the sink. He is always so proud of his accomplishments.
I stepped out of the kitchen for a minute and when I came back Ryan was standing in the dishwasher. I couldn't believe it.
We have to keep the dishwasher locked now. Although, today he tried to unlock it. It won't be long and he will have the lock figured out.

Ryan is growing up to be a little boy now and not a baby. He is walking so much faster now. He will soon be running. He is trying to climb on as many things as he can. He is talking more. His newest words are "doggy", "ghost" (we have ghost decorations for Halloween), and he barks like a dog and quacks like a duck. He gives the best hugs. He now blows kisses, too. He loves playing with balls. He his developing quite an arm. He LOVES driving cars around and makes car noises. We learned not to take cars to church for him to play with because his car noises are too loud. He is trying to hold his own with Katelyn. He can tackle her to the floor. He is super jealous now when I hold Katelyn or give Adam hugs. He pushes them away.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall is in the air

Not only is fall in the air weather wise, but also for Katelyn. She fell off her bike and broke her elbow. She was trying to ride faster and started to turn. She turned too much and fell off. She landed on her arm first. We spent 6 hours at the hospital. She thought it was cool to see her bones on the x-ray. She will have a cast for 4 weeks. She loves the fact that her cast is pink. Pink is her favorite color. She told me to dress her in pink today to match her cast. She is doing quite well doing things with one arm. I am surprised. She has been going to tumbling class once a week and now won't be able to go any more. Bummer! She loves her tumbling class. Good thing I took the video camera this last time.

We went to Gardner Village with Kevin, Chelsi and Peyton. Sorry I put these picture on in a crazy order.
We took the kids to a park to play. Ryan and Katelyn are going down the slide together. They had fun.
Katelyn loves climbing up this pole. She calls it the circle pole.
Adam took some pictures of us playing in the leaves.

Another picture from Gardner Village.
We took a drive up to the mountains to see the fall colors. Pictures just don't do it justice. It is beautiful.

We stopped on the drive to take a couple pictures.

Ryan loves to swing. He holds on tight and laughs.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gardner Village and the Withces

We took our annual trip to Gardner Village to see the witches. These pictures didn't turn out the best. The kids were more interested in checking out everything, of course. We had fun though.

Ryan wasn't so sure about sitting so close to the witch. He started to cry right after I took this picture.
Katelyn didn't want to sit on the scary witch, but said she would really fast.

This witch is outside the Village Bakery. There is a sign that says Kiss the Cook. Katelyn said she wanted to go in and kiss the cook because it smelled so good.

Katelyn enjoying a cookie from the bakery.
Ryan had a little bit of cookie, too. "Mmm, num" he said. We had fun walking around and seeing everything. Ryan pointed at things and said, "Wow". Katelyn laughed at almost every witch and asked what they were doing.

Silly Kids

Katelyn tried on her new things from the thrift store. She is wearing her jacket and cowgirl boots.
Ketelyn made a "dress" out of a paper bag and had to put on her hat to go with it.
Hey dudes!
Check out the mouth full of teeth. He now has 7 teeth. Ryan is officially walking now. He walks more than he crawls. He is turning into a little boy now and not a baby any more. He is so fun. He loves to play outside. He can even climb on things at the parks. He loves to go down slides and through tubes. He is talking more. He says: Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, All done, Wow, Uh-oh, night night. I am surprised he says so much for only being 10 months old. But then maybe I am not with as much as Katelyn talks. He hears talking all the time. He is growing up too fast.
We took a drive to Brighton Ski Resort when Tim and Jessica came to visit.

Adam, Jennifer, Katelyn, and Ryan

Enjoy life!