Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Katelyn turns 3!!!

I can't believe Katelyn is 3 years old already. Where does the time go? She is growing up too quickly.
I made her a strawberry ice cream cake with an oreo crust. Strawberries and chocolate are her favorite things to eat. The cake was delicious.
She is about to blow out the candle. She loved having us sing Happy Birthday to her. Adam said, "She was basking in the glory of the song." It is true. She really was. She loved it.
We got her a balloon for her birthday. She loves balloons.
She is playing in her kitty tent that she got from her friend.
She received roller skates from Grammy and Grandpa. She LOVES them. Previous to getting roller skates, she would use cars to try and skate. I am glad she finally has real skates.
She got an adorable apron that her Aunt Tami made. Along with it came crayons, colored pencils, paint, and glue. These are right up her alley. She is quite the little artist.

She also received a bike for her birthday from us. I need to take some pictures of her on it. She loves her bike and wants to ride it all the time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Grammy's visit

Grammy came to visit us for a week. We had so much fun with her. The grandchildren love their Grammy!!

Mom took some pictures of us. Thank you Mom.

Katelyn at play

Katelyn was in our closet and wanted to play dress up. She found my Snow White shirt and my slippers. She ran to her room to find her tiara to complete the look. She really loves to dress up now.
Katelyn enjoys lining up all her toys. She takes all her books, balls, and stuffed animals and lines them up through the apartment. This time she made a circle with her stuffed animals and went inside it. She called for me to take a picture. She has never sat so still.

Ryan at play

Ryan loves bath time. He splashes like crazy, rolls and climbs in the tub.
Adam got out his remote control Hummer. Ryan loved it. He crawled around after it for the longest time. He was so happy when he finally touched it.
Ryan stands up in his crib when he wakes up and says, "Mama". I love it!!!
Ryan is getting more and more busy every day. He just discovered the toilet paper.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ryan Standing

Ryan now crawls everywhere and pulls himself up to stand! He worked for a couple days trying to stand by the couch. He was so proud of himself when he finally did it. He loves to stand!!

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!!
We bought pop-its for Katelyn to throw.
She is trying to squeeze the pop-its with her fingers.
She threw some in the air.

A Day at the Park

We went to a park near our apartment to play and have a picnic. There are some really cool trees, so of course, I had to take pictures. Katelyn is trying to climb the tree.
I took a chance sitting Ryan here. He sat there long enough for me to snap this picture before trying to crawl away.
I like this picture of the two of them, but it turned out a little blurry.
Katelyn calls this slide the "wiggley slide".
Ryan hanging out on the blanket for our picnic.
I love this picture of Ryan. He is such a happy boy. He is clapping his hands. You can see his two bottom teeth.
We are eating a yummy picnic lunch that Katelyn help make.


I took Katelyn and Ryan to the Living Planet Aquarium. We had a great time. Katelyn loved everything. She asked what everything was. She loved pretending to drive the boat.
Katelyn enjoyed looking at the jelly fish. She said she wanted to have a net and go "jellyfishing" like Spongebob Squarepants. She watched the jelly fish for a long time.
She said that this was huge starfish and wanted to take it home.
She is looking at little sea horses. She said they were cute and little.
There was lot of colorful fish in this tank.
Katelyn loved watching the sting rays.
She decided to touch the sting ray. She loved it. We spent a lot of time here.
Here she is touching pencil urchins. She said they were pokey.
Now Katelyn is touching sea cucumbers. She tried to pick it up. Oops.
Here she is touching a starfish.
The aquarium has a little cove for the kids to play in. Katelyn is hiding in a cave.
Now she is jumping . Weeeee.

Here is a leopard shark zooming past.

Adam, Jennifer, Katelyn, and Ryan

Enjoy life!