Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Black and Whites

I took some black and white pictures of Katelyn and Ryan for my bedroom. These are my favorites.
It is rare to get such a cute smile on Katelyn for pictures. She usually cheeses it.
Check out those cute dimples!

Valentine's Day

Katelyn enjoyed making Valentine's for her grandparents. She is singing a song about Valentine's Day.
We made sugar cookies. Katelyn rolled out the dough and cut out heart shapes.
Ryan even helped roll out the dough. He did very well.

Katelyn decorated her cookie with lots of frosting and sprinkles.

Yum, yum. She loved her cookies.
Ryan loved the cookies, too. He even learned to say cookie.
I gave Katelyn a pen with a plume for Valentines Day like in the Fancy Nancy book. She uses it all the time now. She is wearing her hat she made with hearts.

I gave the kids balloons. They love playing with them.

Katelyn and Ryan at Play

Katelyn loves her dress up clothes she got for Christmas. Here she is dressed up as a fairy.
Katelyn dressed Ryan up with a cape. He went running around with the cape flying behind him.
I let Katelyn play with shaving cream in the bathtub. She smeared it every where and loved it.
More and more shaving cream.
She also decided to put the shaving cream on her face.
Ryan loves his blankets. These are his two favorite ones. He has to have his blanket to go to sleep. Ryan now goes to sleep on his own all the time and sleeps through the night. Hurray!
Katelyn and Ryan were playing in their room one afternoon. I checked on them and Katelyn was reading to Ryan. She knows Brown Bear Brown Bear by heart. They both love books.
Adam made boxes and mazes and they had fun playing with them.
Oops, out of order. Here is Ryan playing with the shaving cream, too. Katelyn helped Ryan put it on his body.
Katelyn is quite the little helper these days. She likes to help me with the laundry. She puts it in the washer for me. She will also help me transfer it to the dryer and then to the laundry basket when dry. She even folds all the towels for me. She does a great job.
Ryan loves spaghetti. What a mess! He loved every bite.
Ryan is such a climber. He climbs on everything! Here he is up on the coffee table turning the light on and off in the hall way.
He is pointing at me because I pointed at him and told him to get down. His favorite thing is to climb up on one couch, then get on the coffee table and then throw himself onto the other couch. He only does this when he thinks I'm not looking. He does get in trouble for it. I just hope he doesn't get hurt.

Adam, Jennifer, Katelyn, and Ryan

Enjoy life!